A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Sex, Lies and Cigarette Smoke...

Anyone reading my blog from entry to entry will remember the article titled 'Why do these people exist?' It ofcourse stated my new found lack of trust in the opposite sex and their faithfulness to one woman with a little too close to home examples.
Yet again my feelings have been reassured and i now ask has the millinea brought on a new wave of relationships? Where even a steady bond is open to interpretation? Are we now in the era where knight in shining armours are probably more likely to show on the front of your cereal box than at your door?
It seems that today, even the word casual is being taken too casually. Marriages are now something that should be displayed in a musuem to display what people of generations ago ritualised. And still there is that concept of arranged marriages going around!! Excuse me for being um maybe 'of this time!' One) that was something of the 40's if that and Two) we live in what is considered one of the most culturally diverse countries of the world, people come to us to escape there prejudice lifestyles, and we pride ourselves on having the freedom to make our own choices. I could go on, but thats another entry all together...
What are we doing with our interactions? People are desperately trying to find that happiness that they stumble and fall for anything that slightly resembles that dream. Cheating is now as forgiveable as not returning a phone call, and the methods of breaking up have become so easy i was told of one on an answering machine message the other day.
How many times have you gone through that stage where you find one but they dont want something serious, then you meet someone that wants something and your not interested? Ever get the feeling we're part of a stand up comedy act for some higher power?
Internet is somewhat a contributor of this, its become that easy to form a 'deep' relationship without ever meeting the person, where SMS flirting has taken over any other intentional communication known to man. Jeez there's even SMS dating on tv! What next, date chips inserted in the brain so that you both dont have to leave the couch to interact?
Have we all become that self involved and recluse that normal social interaction is being exchanged for a swing back chair, instant coffee, black eye circles and typing ache in the hand?

No wonder its so easy to cheat when you can just message the person and the possibility of being caught (if done right) is minimal. Im not going to say im entirely innocent of this sin. I was seeing a guy that had a girlfriend, who i knew, the issue was that i was told they were broken up and to not say a word. I later found out this was a lie and cut all ties. But still the unknowing guilt was there seeing her face. I guess he was more to blame, but it reassures me that infidelity isnt for me...

Soon i believe the idea of monogamy and marriage will become extinct and we will move back more to our animalistic side, when the mating call is made, then its all on baby. We will go around, mating with the other sex with no conscience of cheating and do what the animals do, reproduce for the sake of survival, not feelings....
what a sad, sad time that will be...


Blogger MissItalianCutie said...

agreed, it is a sad western society we live in now where emotionless sex is the preferred option because we live in a society that has enough emotional issues as it is with love and passion coming into that.
but also take a look at the cultures that a widely known for arranged marriages, they are more often than not cultures where divorce is up there with the 10 deadly sins, your life isnt worth that trouble. So is it really a case of learning to love the person your with, or forced to adjust with the person your now stuck with for life?
us countries that now claim the western way of life were once like this as well, where divorce was a no no, and in terms of having more solid based relationships it is a plus, but put urself in the shoe. if you were told that you were being sent overseas to marry a woman you will know for 2 weeks prior to marriage, you would freak too, to spend YOUR life with someone not of your choice. We must now ask the question what do arranged marriages do to the mind and the heart? Strengthen it, or in reality weaken it.
If this was the new option for western societies, the case of choosing not to feel would no longer be the issue. instead it would be replaced with even more psychologists being employed to deal with the mass of people being forced to feel for someone they dont wish to.

agreed it is a sad sad world.

4:38 PM

Blogger MissItalianCutie said...

Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour to announce your newest candidate for the US presidency, Mister_Slick. This man has a wealth of knowledge that most would fail to see. He knows the world and shares a common no bullshit attitude to life as myself.
That post had every relationship communication down fall at its most blunt point.
I agree that people these days are basing their relationships too much on first encounters. Now i am sadly guilty for this too. But also am not. My ex for example, not the most highly attractive man in the world, and on first encounters well, it was me walking past as he bent over and showed a lovely hint of ass crack. Now from most girls i know, this would have been it. But no as i talked to him more and more when i saw him, i realised his personality stood above most that i had ever come across, and he became one of the most attractive men i had ever met!
I can admit my faults and sadly one of them is looking at other men wen i have one. But for one of the rare occasions in my life, with him i had no desire to drool at that sexy wog passing Buongiorno's. Sadly this man had great affect on me and now as i am no longer with him has left a slight burn wound on my heart.

oh god that was cheesy....

So sight is somewhat important. Yes the person does have to be attractive otherwise they are simply a friend. The point of a relationship is that your ATTRACTED to this person on a higher level. What is often misconceived is that attractiveness is int he eye of the beholder, so no one has the right to tell someone their girl/guy is ugly. No one should feel they have their right of say in that situation.

1:11 PM


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