A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Why Do These Ppl Exist???

Aite, i've had it up to here with men that have a complete lack of respect and absolutely no consideration for the women they invovle themselves with!!! Why do u shallow, simple minded, immature fucks still consider urselves 'what every woman wants.'
Yes i've personally always wanted a man who:
  • Calls on occasion, when it suits him.
  • Magically doesnt carry his phone wen i want to call him.
  • Is sick on a regular basis (im talkin 3 times in about 2-3 weeks)
  • Doesnt seem to have the time despite him not having a job, not goin to uni and a ego boost of a car that he seems to be driving in at all times.
  • Sexual experience that would make any woman think ur still a 14 yrold seeing his first pair of tits!
  • Smooth lines wen u do call to reel me bak in. (Cheesy)

I dont know why u men think u have all it takes to be a playa, to treat women the way u want and to think that ur that immaculate we will drool and bend down on our knees and scrub between the tiles for u! Hunni u aint Eduardo Verastegui and u neva will be.....come to grips with ur own hidden insecurities and start to realise that the saying treat ppl the way u want to be treated actually has some substance to it.

There has been some personal experiences with men of this type and let me tell u, no woman actually has any respect or confidence in the worth of ur being, u are a toy similar to the way u see the women that u use. Whats different is we dont take advantage of u, as u are too easy and show no potential. Now a close friend to MissItalianCutie has been severly affected by one of these 'playa's' and now i am really ticked off and on a vendeta to bring down everyone of these low lifes that come my way. What makes this situation worse is I have known this man for some time and this behaviour has not only stunned me but made me feel somewhat ashamed of ever knowing u. U WERE HER FIRST! That is something that requires a little more consideration than ur average 'fuck.' She will remember ur sorry ass for the rest of ur life and im sure thats how u want to be remembered.....scum. U r the lowest form of this catagory of men and i hope wen judgement day comes, God throws u out with the rest of the garbage.

U types will be alone until u realise ur ways....ur young and i realise that commitment is about as desireable as a back, crack and sack wax but think about urself in 30 yrs.... those creepy older men with the red sports car, heading to places like Savvy's and Mansions to pick up younger vunerable woman to satisfy ur self image of ' I am still the sexiest man out there and i can still have u!'

Hunni we look at men like u and laugh....u havent grown up and while u still may get the easy girls or the ones on rebound, ur chances of ever getting and holding onto something quality decreases with each yr u decide to sleaze around.

Grow up, u can still have something casual but still be descent and respectful about it....not every girl is looking to settle down....

But if ur an arrogant prick then thats the way u will always be portrayed....now thats something u didnt write down on ur dreams for the future in kindy was it???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello miss italian cutie, i just came across your site and found it to be interesting :) my name is paolo, i am spanish, 23 years old, i moved to adelaide when i was 17. i learnt english at university back home and am qualified as a personal trainer. i am currently unemployed but have had interest from MARS sporting complex (do you know where this is?)i live alone with my dog named chrissy. My only problem is that.......i don't exist........love mezza aka Dream burster!

i am soooooooooooo bored right now....... after looking at your site thoroughly i think that there is only one thing lacking: profiles of people, even of random people and ones that don't exist like Paolo!

12:25 PM

Blogger MissItalianCutie said...

hun....i luv ur words u know that.....but this time i have to ask??? what do u mean???


11:58 AM


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