A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

the fine print...

Alright so i didnt realise my blog highlighted the lives of some high maintainence women and what goes through their sexually orientated, quite often intoxicated minds....

But now it has been put on me to describe what sort of woman fits this catagory..... does it have to do with her looks, her brains, or a certain what the french call 'I dont know what.'

To tell you the truth, I'm lost for words!
I dont really consider myself in the high maintainence catagory, but i certainly do know some people that would be. So I can only go on what I've seen.....

To me, high maintainenece women are nothing to do with how good looking they are, or how academicall smart they may be. It is a certain something that only certain women possess and I cant even classify them so as to give you a clue what to look out for! They come across all cultures and social standings, all shapes and sizes.

I admit that you will find a bigger concentration of them in the European raised families, but i hesitate to generalise.

Basically, to narrow it somewhat, these HM girls tend to be in the group that are more dominant in personality. Not saying they all are, but women with certain opinions, women with certain expectations that they have been brought up to believe are the ones that will be more demanding on you.

Honestly, it doesnt take us good looks and some brains to pussy whip some men! Although it certainly can make things that bit easier :P

What I guess Im trying to put across is, that these high maintainence women continue to be such because they have men that give into their ideals......so really who is to blame????

If you guys only knew, us women are more tame-able than you think.....if it seems we're not?? you're going about it the wrong way, it means we've found your loop hole.

But please guys, I want to hear a male perspective of what they think defines a high maintainenec woman?


Blogger veikiin said...

Well my take on "who gets to be a Hm gal " goes like this..Atleast here in India ..i think these bottomlines hold.

1. looks are very important oder wise she wudnt have members of the "hairer sex" drooling over her.

2.Brains ..dont seem to be a very important characteristic but she shudnt be a dumbo ..coz boyz generally lose ineterst in such gals after a while.

3.The way she "carries herself".This maybe the most important feature of them all. Coz the way a chic behaves and "carries herself" is a great attraction to most boyz.

i am sure there are other opinions on this ..lets wait and watch.

3:39 PM

Blogger MissItalianCutie said...

Hmmmm interesting views Veikiin. But i see ur description more as hard to get women....You simply describe the gorgeous girls that most guys are too afraid to approach fearing rejection.
If only men knew, as long as ur not an ugly slob, u dont have to be Fabio to get these girls....with the right attitude and no hint of desperateness u'll have her. One big hint is dont let her think for one milli second u regard her as better than ur league, or she'll move on. Confidence (not cockyness) is the key.

But I am speaking more of High Maintainence women in this blog, and trust me I've seen them and some a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from what you would call attractive.... They just know how to trap a man!

9:35 PM

Blogger veikiin said...

hey nice tips MIC..ok if u say so..i thought only gals who are "hard to get" can afford to be HM ..coz if it wasnt so , a boy wud soon get tired of this HM person and move on..

But u obv. wud have a more accurate opinion as u know some of such gurls..I have never been in contact with such an entity . so whtevr u say ma'am.

6:07 AM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Yeah, hey looki here... See that? No? Well, it's me going bye-bye at the sight of reading the words of a chick that types in shorthand / teeline / SMS lingo.

Fuck the urs when you mean your [or you're] and fuck the hairer when you mean a comparative as dirty as hairier. If you can't spell propa, FUCK OFF!

As for the rest, well, it's all complicated beyond contemporary definition, isn't it?

Idiots who wanna root known performers or simply chicks in a league that'll get their own cock into a loftier dimension will go for them. Good on 'em and go get 'em and go let 'em, I say. Leave the talent for the rest of us, I say, raising a 'hear, hear' into the bargain, for there are far too many braindead fuckwads out there looking to throw their leg over wanna-be-important-trash. Look at Paris 'Disease Available Here' Hilton and the morons waiting to get in line to have a shot at the title.

Move the fuck over, y'all, and address the situation good and proper. If you want to score and add stats, go ahead. The gate's flung wide open thanks to socially acceptible drugs and socially acceptible diseases. Quality will beat quantity any day of the week; ask your herpes / STD specialist between the hours of 8am and 10pm any given day of the working week.

HM is a chick who spends more time getting ready in the bathroom / shower than she does attending a do. HM is someone who models her goals / life on people in Hollywood, though she can't even spell the word. HM is someone who argues that it's more important to look good than to have a screamer of a time getting wasted and laughing her arse off at all the fuckheads who look like guinea pigs for the latest skin care product advertisement. Or guinea pigs in general.

But that's just my opinion, MIC, and I'm the second guy who's left one.


7:42 PM

Blogger Hoogster said...

Hey gorgeous

well, as you would personally know my first girl friend was HM. now apart from all the attributes the above people have listed a HM will also do some of the following:

1. Call you non stop. 5 mins after work your phone will ring.

2. If not call you non stop she will always be over your house. now dont get me wrong having your girlfriend over is great but when it is almost 24/7 that goin a bit far, even married couples don't do that.

3. They will lose their temper over the smallest things. for example you make arrangements to go out wiht your mates which you havent seen in a while and she thinks your going to be spending the weekend together. she rings to find out where you are and cracks the shit over the phone, making you feel like shit for the rest of the day.

4. the coerce you do to things you normally would say no too.

but thats just my opinion

12:39 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

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5:46 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...


Good points, Negro. Good points!

Excessive communication where there ought to be less, far less, is - negatively speaking - a negative point. For sure.

But, to allude to the fact that "they coerce you to do things you normally would say no to" [where I've allowed and corrected your spelling errors] is a touch handballish - in the Australian Rules sense.

Dude/ss, if you can't say fuck off or fuck you or fuck off right now or fuck off because I don't have the time to listen to your bullshit right now and I wanna drink with my mates and get stupid cause I'm at that age and it's my God-believing or otherwise age, then that's YOUR problem, Nigger.

Problem to be received and acted upon by: YOU!

One set of circumstances involves you agreeing with everything said femme said / says and sulking about how you've got nada choice. The other doesn't.

Mate, I know MIC about as well as I know the lint that's developed with time on my washed t-shirts. However, I don't treat her with the same level of contempt. Why? Because I see her as a functioning, reactional, learned and learning human being.

BTW, if you're stuggling to this point, I'll let you in on a well-guarded secret, like the details of the Hooly Grrail [a.k.a. Holy Grail]: the lint isn't as developed as MIC. And, I'm willing to bet, the lint's arse isn't anywhere near as...



5:48 PM


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