A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Friday, March 04, 2005

She's Back......and Pissed Off!!!!!!!!!

well well, sorry i have been absent so long.... I've had a few complaints as late, but really the past couple of weeks has been amazing, and lots of stories to tell u all.....but for now there is one thing, one thing that has pushed little MIC over the edge to the point i went to management....

Its name???


Otherwise known as my new manager, this woman has redefined what i thought a BAD manager was...
Now if u read my column religiously then you will know that most managers that come to my department are not well liked....but tolerated. They had areas to improve on but on the whole probably kept the department in tact.

Not this one.

This woman has absolutely no clue as how to run the section, she blantently takes her time or acts oblivious to the tasks that her title quite clearly state....and as for a manager, I think most could say that they see her actually IN her section for no more than half an hour of their entire shift....

With minimal background training, and no team management skills whatsoever, this FuzzBallWrinkleBum has got herself off to a great start at her new job which why it was allocated to such a dimwit i will never know!

Not only has she completely disregarded any attempt i have made at informing her of my regular hours, the hours i prefer to work and even the extra hours i was willing to take on...... she has now held it in her unfortunate power to relieve me of my supervisor duties...... To Where's Wally!!!! Someone almost as incompetant as her!!!!

This upset me to no end as i have been an employee at this workplace for roughly four years and have been a supervisor for well over a year.....Where's Wally on the other hand, has been a SHOCKING supervisor for only a few months..... Now u prob think i say this out of anger, but no, there are many employees at my work that can vouch for the stupidity of persons mentioned.
It seemed rude, unfair and a complete lack of respect on her behalf to me as i was more qualified, more preferred and for fuck sakes they were my usual shifts that he was getting!

As i did not want any of this I went to see one of the managers this morning and told him my issue, and secondly that she had no real legitimate reason to give me for this change except 'thats just how its worked out.'
He stated that i talk to her about it, and if im still unhappy to speak to him about moving departments. Well it didnt even get that far, before i was told by SupaFly that she had asked another untrained employee (sorry hun, i luv u i do, and take the job, im just coming from my point of view) if she would like to be trained up to take my job basically.....




I dropped my shit, went out the back to try hold back the tears but i could no longer. It hurt. It hurt real bad. I had never felt so disrespected in my life! Luckily DeliHunni was there to support me and try and cheer me up. But i had had enough.....wen she called me into the office to 'talk' i was ready to say thats it!

I constantly asked her for a legitimate reason as to why i was being replaced by an untrained staff member, wen my availability is higher than hers, and my experience being the obvious one!
I got no legitimate answer apart from 'thats what i've decided.'
This is wen i clued on to it that this was becoming more personal. So i asked once more, and she then stated that it also had to do with 'personal performance.'
I clicked. i stated that it was a personal attack as my performance levels, on record even show that i am a more competant worker who is of more help to other departments as well. So sorry hun, strike two.

Then finally she came out with the third bullshit comment of

'i feel the others need to have a turn.'

What kind of Mickey Mouse (oh what an appropriate term for this woman!) business are you trying to run here?
Supervising is not something to share around the group! Its not show and tell (which i can see is your favourite game) It is something given to your more experienced and reliable staff!!!! Which is why i have been doing it for so fucking long!!!!!
You know what.....go for it, if u think it's going to work..... Cause i'll be right there watching when u burn out.... Maybe then you could say you actually have learned and now gained a little experience on how to pick a brown noser!!!!!

I then stood up, stated that i believe her actions were wrong, that she gave me no legitimate reason except a personal attack as to her decision and therefor i simply walked out and said...

"I no longer work for u. Bye."

I told the manager and he has told me to speak to the bigboss tomorrow about transferring to another section.....

I hope u have fun covering all my shifts next week as i no longer am working them, and i hope your HOPELESS plan to RUN your section works out for u.... Im on to bigger and better things this yr anyway!

sorry readers......back to cheery MIC.........................now :)


Blogger Hoogster said...

Well, Well, Well hasnt MIC popped her top today. quite frankly gorgeous i dont blame you. today fuzz ball wrinkle face as you call her was complaining that she just wanted to go home. i said to her 'why don't you' her response was that she couldnt as she had to show wheres wally other wise known as roger or the sarge how to do his job.

not only this she has left a note to madame money (cash office lady) that you my dear no longer wish to work in your current dept and that you will be speaking to big boss or as i like to call him mr pickles.

if you do see mr pickles tomorrow do come in and visit later in the afternoon so i may find out whats happeing.

i do agree that this manager has handeled this incorrectly.

cya round


12:45 AM

Blogger orgasmchampion said...

I have to disagree with Miss Cutie this time.

I think FuzzBallWrinkleAss or whatever her name is --well, she was right about how supervising jobs should be shared around, so that other people can have a turn.

She, for example, desperately needs to share her job so that Miss Cutie can have a turn.

Then, Miss Cutie can promptly sack her wrinkled sorry fat ass, and this Wally gimp, and bango, its a win-win situation :)

12:10 AM


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