A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Will work for above award wages...

Readers that work with me will be able to verify this. Friends of MIC would have on numerous occasions heard me whine about this, and as for the rest of my enthusiastic readers, you have probably either heard me bitch about it on here or your just about to get a lesson in my working life.

As most of you know, I work at a 'supermarket', that term I use lightly. I have many close friends there which really are more like family to me now as we have all been there too long.
I also have a notoriously bad run with bad managers. WhatsHerName being the last and what was thought worst of all managers.

But no.


It gets worse than a ugly, slow mole. Excuse the harshness but its true.

We have now had the undesired pleasure of being ruled by an evil force from a world with no conscience. I will call it Fifi. It is a 50 something, northern suburbs, never had a friend as a teenager, trying to relive my youth, must have had Morgan Freeman cut my hair.... cow. Hahahaha oh that was too good....

It has waltzed its bogan ass into our store, and from the moment it opened that mouth all i could smell was the sweet intoxicating aroma of bullshit. It has lied to its workers to apparently 'strategically' forward itself further up the corporate Fab 5's ass and done it with not even so much as a second thought. It has demoted, cease to give hours or plainly make their shift a living hell in order to what I have now been informed as 'weening out' the old staff.

Is it because we're bad workers?


Is it because we don't have a clue what we're doing or how the store runs successfully?


Is it because we're better looking?

Not even debatable.

Or is it simply threatened by the fact that we run fine on our own and really only have it there to organise some rostering and to take the heat when shit fucks up???

Oh I get chills down the spine at the thought.

It really has no idea how to run a business, only to ensure at the end of the day its behind gets in its sad excuse of a car knowing that tomorrow it will come back to the same job.

Ween us old school team out? Oh but with pleasure your highness. For a business that is turning to shit with the single swift of one bad workers hand, id rather get out now with some dignity and work up the ranks somewhere else. Just so I can come back in a few years time, make you put through 3 trolleys worth of the smallest shit i could find in the store, then ask you to sort out into cold goods, meats, cleaning products and well.....fuck it.....sort out all things with sharp corners. You know why IT? Because thats the way it's worked out. Sounds better coming out of my mouth I think.
And after this I will whip out my GOLD credit card to pay for such goods, after no doubtably finding that you have scanned wrong items mroe than once and make you do the refund.
I will walk out the store to my already better but soon to be another whole class car to place my shopping away and drive away.

And what will you be doing??? Oh oh whats that????

Still working at a small non-profitable store, getting called into the managers office every week to be told off and left crying...... Oh, thats a shame. Shouldn't have burnt your bridges and taken the opportunity to prosper when it was there.

Oh that was a harsh piece wasnt it????? Not one to sound bitchy but....

It deserves it.

My love and respect to everyone else at that store, I adore all of you.

ciao ciao, going to play with kitty :P

PS. IT, look up the word customer service, I think you'll be quite shocked.


Blogger Kaufman said...

Hey MIC,

I re-read the comment you were referring to at my 'other' site and I can safely say that I now distinctly remember the first comment I left. I was responding to the girly with a name beginning with 'V' and not you. :)

You should know better than to think I'd bag your freestyle typing technique. Never! Please continue to write hunni etc. until the world's end as it's rather... you know... shucks.

And, the proof of the pudding of me just having a bit of a laugh can be witnessed in the line "If you can't spell propa, FUCK OFF!"

Propa?! WTF kind of contradiction is that?

See, it's all about the sarcasm and contradictions and innuendo and nonsensical garbage I pen. Sorry if it seemed like it was directed at you. It defo wasn't.

1:20 PM

Blogger MissItalianCutie said...

oh phew!

i can now rest my pretty little mind at ease :P

god wheres the ego there!

9:51 PM

Blogger Hoogster said...


Now i have to deal with the FiFi rat dog all on my own.

You certainly will be missed i assure you. you should come in soon and just be a real bitch to her cos your the customer and make her pop. and guess what, if im there ill have to tell her off for being rude to a customer.

oh and put in a complaint form for good measure

12:08 AM

Blogger MissItalianCutie said...


yes it is true....

the reign of MIC at work has now ended....I have resigned as of this sunday and will be pursueing? a career in fashion.....

I will miss all of u terribly and look forward to seeing u all at the party...

The end of an era...

PS. As for Fifi, yes there is much planned for her :P

1:06 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Hoogster, I'm beginning to see great potential in you. Should come around for a bowl or two one night. Discussion may or may not turn to cloaks and daggers. We'll just have to wait and see.

Whatever the outcome, I like your style.

4:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what car does It have and wat car do you have MIC?

5:12 PM

Blogger MissItalianCutie said...

Sorry unfortunately, I cannot divulge that information..

6:35 PM


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