A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Monday, July 11, 2005

It's all just a little too scarey...

The london underground bombing attacks.

Despite the fact that I was meant to be living in London at the present time, this just cuts a little too close to home. Yes everyone I know has said something, or reported on something about this terrible act, but Im not going to go into the politics side of it all. It seems everyone is jumping on the band wagon to express their complete disgust at the people who did this, and fair enough so. These men obviously have a blind faith in an extremist pathetic ideal. Line them all up against a wall infront of a firing squad is an all too common comment I have been hearing lately.
Not to point out but someone being done for 4kgs of drugs smuggling was up for the same sentence, the scale here seems to be scewed.

Now yes it's all perfectly natural to act out our hatred on the people that caused it. But at the same time, there will always be people like this, there always have been. It's human nature to conflict, and this is that act in its extreme. Please if im soundng insensitive, I mean not to be, I wish there werent people like this alive as much as anyone else, but just being angry at them and plotting retaliations isnt going to get us anywhere. Well apart from in more fights.
What 'some' people dont realise is they did this in a form of retaliation against us. Against the wrongs we are doing in their countries, and 'some' of the people in the world are doing just that.

They are as pissed off with us, as we are with them. The difference? Why do they look like the worse group of people as compared to say the Amercian defence force?
Because they in no way state their high regard for human life, they show no remorse in the acts that they devise against our people, basically their being honest of their own appauling morality.
Where as the Americans and whoever has joined them in their fight over there seem to claim that their respect for human life is of highest importance.


We do to them what they are now doing to us. So not only must we be angry at them, why not turn around and look at your own leaders and an answer. Their all just a bunch of big boys, with big toys.

Fuck I've gone into the politics. God damn it!

What I have focused more on from this incident is....

This can happen to anyone of us. With the blink of an eye your entire life could be over. No saying goodbye, no last daring stunt of bravery, no last look at the ones you love the most. You will never be around again, never catching that bus, never being called for relationship advice or to go out on the weekend. This is what scares me the most. People just going about their daily lives, to not have those daily lives anymore. In a way makes you appreciate just being alive so much more.

This doesnt even just have to relate to terrorist attacks. Plane crashes, car accidents, freak branch falling on you in the middle of a golf course (still cant believe the irony). Just like that it's over. When I really think about it, it scares me more than any terrorist group, politician etc. I pray to god it never happens to anyone around me that I love dearly.

Think about it.

My heart goes out to all victims and their families involved in this horrible incident and my prayers and concern are with all my friends living and visiting London at this time.


Blogger Hoogster said...

bravo mic bravo.....

11:47 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

A man whom I deeply respected [and still respect, even though, sadly, he died a long time ago] stated quite simply that beliefs are odd.

Whether we believe our beliefs are right and those of others are wrong is irrelevant. However, when everything is boiled down into stating that it's 'us' against 'them,' we tend to be faced with hurdles we didn't even realise existed.

The media paints daily/nightly images of the atrocities associated with war and actions such as what went on in London, yet governments are spending more and more money each year on weapons to defend themselves and their countries.

Call me a demented peace preferring motherfucker if you will, but I can't see the connection between increasing the amount of arsenal a country has [add to that: while claiming that other countries have weapons that they don't as a justification for invasion] and the likelihood of achieving a peaceful world. It simply doesn't add up.

4:00 PM

Blogger Jason said...

well... i am quite as dissapointed in america as you are. In fact I am disapointed in a lot of things. First off, the UN, for allowing america to turn iraq into a sheet of glass. Second, i am displeased with the leader of america, but honestly that Kerry fellow was a bit of a pussy and total fucking loser (Read his military file on the american Disclosure of Information site). So really i have to ask, why can't they find a decent leader. None of this shit would be happening if they hadn't elected that backwater oil loving Texan.

I am gonna move to canada or mexico, they don't have wars anymore...

7:41 AM

Blogger Kaufman said...

"Where do we go from here? The words are coming out all weird, WHERE ARE YOU NOW?... when I need you."

- Radiohead

1:56 AM

Blogger El Expedicionario said...

I think that wars take place anywhere and anytime, so live ur life plenty, trying to success yourself and try to escape into this... if u can santd it! just that, big hugs from the bottom of Sth. America... my country, Argentina...


4:01 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Scooby Doo. Where are you?

7:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez. Lucky you werent over there and 'might of been living there at the time'. i knew someone, who might of know someone who was blowing someone in london at the time. I do hope they are alright.

I came to this page to find someone cute, where are they?? I bet you like it dolmino style. ciao bitch.

1:31 PM


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