A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Thursday, January 27, 2005

I dont wanna be anything other than what i been trying to be lately!!!!

Right i have been holding off on this person for a while now, but their fucking self obsorbed, hidden insecurity, attempt at being a SNAG opinions have just fucked me right off!!!!
Scarface, as it fits so well, is an internet friend of MIC from Canberra. Now ladies i ask you....we talk of how we want a man to be more understanding of our feelings, and would a little more romance help...but have you ever come across that guy who thinks he understands our feelings better than us and takes romance to that all cringe worthy level of a Jane Austin novel??? The guy you just look at and say 'Hunni you are TOO intouch with your feminine side, GROW SOME BALLS!!!'

These are the kinda men that make our above requests a contradiction because wen we come across them, we want the opposite...and then ofcourse there comes the typical 'Fkn females...You give them what they want and then they want something different!'

Well Scarface has trapped me in debate after debate about women and in particular the women he is after.... What i mean by trapped is that ppl that know me well will know that if the topic of religion or the relationship between men and women come up....i cant sit back and ignore....

He is one of those men that think he knows more about what a woman wants than what an actual woman does..... He asks for my opinion to get the girls perspective and then completely dismisses anything i say because he 'knows better.'

Now i hear alot of you say, just stop talking to him....Truth is i cant. I love the debate. I did all through high school and nothings changed. My dad always brought me up to speak my mind when i dont agree with something (except when it comes to my mother) and its now ingrained in this small, but attractive mind.

I'm sorry men, you will never know us better than we know us simply for the fact that if you did, there would be no interest anymore. The fun is in not knowing what is going to happen, not knowing what their thinking. If you figure us out, if you know what we would be thinking or what we were going to do where's the fun in that? Its like seeing an epic and already knowing the ending....whats the point in even trying?
So take some comfort in that fact that being in the dark is all part of the game...

Scarface is not a believer in this and pretty much has the ego in himself that he knows what a woman wants and will play his cards right to get her to fall for him.
The woman he is after at the moment is well what can i say....in a word.....SKANK.
A particular breed of women that you will definately not figure out let alone get her drooling at the sight of you...
I took one look at this girl and thought, you have a better chance with Angelina Jolie than this chick....she is the kind of girl who would be a Car Mods promotion girl and go to all the AutoSalons in her little white shorts, busty t-shirt with her (soon to be) fake tits bursting out and her choc/vanilla hair extensions lining her over make-uped face....u get my drift?

Now no doubt this girl does have a heart and a mind, but when it comes to guys, she's there for the attention, men dont really phase her....until they stop droolin over her, then she will find an even more revealing outfit to get their attention back... If she was ever to fall for someone, he would have to be some adonis with a bigger ego than her.

Scarface is your mediocre clubbing wog. Nothing really different about him, not overly buff, not overly good looking, and for someone who has such an ego about himself...is unbelievably shy about getting this girl.

So what is his tactic to get this girl?

Well first off he made her a cd to express his feelings and handed it to her friend to give to her.... Bust up No 1.
A cd during a relationship...cute.... as a means to pick her up.....cheesy and unconfident (is that even a word?)
Not only that he didnt even hand it to her himself....then he left it for her to decide.....when she finally did come up to say something, he said she was so happy she was lost for words..... I would be too cause the only words that would be going through my head would be cheesedick, hopeless romantic, have your balls dropped yet???

Ok so im thinking he can redeem himself after this....now that she's spoken to him he could maybe ask for a number and go out for drinks sometime.....No.
Good old scarface decides he's going to play the jealous approach and dance with another girl to show her that she better snap him up quick before some other girl gets him...... someone get me the Sale of the Century buzzer they use for an incorrect answer....

Now you have just knocked urself back about 3 steps, if you were even up that high yet.... You give a girl a cd with the feelings that you 'supposedly' have for her on there and then when it comes to the crunch you show none of these feelings??? She's just going to see you as an insecure guy now who cant actually do things face to face and gets scared, and most probably in a relationship would be clingy....we steer clear of guys like you!

Now this girl would have guy after guy staring at her at this club, and to her none of them are different...all too scared to actually approach her because their scared of getting shut down....
Now ladies i dont know if you agree ( let me know) but if i was this chick....scrap the cd idea, way too 1920's serenade style, and simply walk right up to us and say hi, ask what we do, ask for our number and call us a few days later for a coffee.... act like you've got more confidence than us and we'll turn our head for you (dont be a cocky SOB tho)...otherwise if your going to be just another guy that sleazes on to us, or does everything afar as if to almost test the water before jumping in.....then we'll just yawn and start picturing Antonio Banderas in our heads again....

Scarface you got it all wrong. You've taken romance to the wrong level, and you perception on women is completely screwed....how do i know this??

Well if you claim to know exactly how to play them....Why is this chick not drooling at ur feet?

Id say your a semi good looking guy who hooked up with a hell hot chick one night and now has the ego that you could get that again. On the other hand your still the guy you were before with the insecurities and you cant fight that side of you...Secretly you know this chick is out of your reach and you choose to go for her because the shut down in a sick way feeds your insecurities and that gives you comfort....

Try a nice girl Scarface, from the moment i saw that girl i coulda told you no way.....U'd be suprised what a nice girl with a great personality can do for you....even make u happy :) Dont try to be anything but you...