A Random description of my everyday life's crap....a look into the ppl in MissItalianCutie's life and their impact... There will be tears, there will be laughter, at times there mite even be snoring (god forbid!) but i promise u this space will not go wasted... if u dont come out any the wiser on something then i have failed....and im sorry :(

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Im Getting All Choked Up....

DaGreekGoddess read me passage passed on to her the other day....It is a typical mushy couple story, but this one actually made me stand back and go awwwwww in the faint hope that one day my PrinceCharming would say something similar to me....

A girl asked her boyfriend whether he thought she was pretty...
He replied No....
She then said 'Do u want to be with me forever?'....
He replied No....
She then stated 'If i left right now, would u cry?'....
He again replied No....
So she walked off slowly, tears streaming down her face from the disappoint and hurt wen he walked up behind her and grabbed her arm... He said
I dont think ur pretty, i think ur beautiful...
I dont want to be with u forever, I NEED to be with u forever....
And if u left right now i wouldnt cry, i'd DIE.....

cmon everyone together....... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

What is Europe Thinking???

Of late i have been witness to some fucked up SBS european films.... What do these people consider entertainment??? This isn't a story line, more like the producer has taken bits from every erotical fantasy they have had and squashed it into and hour and a half of running film!!!!

Cmon Europe!!! Not raising the bar here now are we??

Lets look at some examples....firstly there is the well known new release The Piano Teacher. Anyone who has seen this movie will agree with me that the young main male character is quite fine and his love interest (said piano teacher) is the fugliest middle aged woman i have ever seen!!!!!!! She's a bitch and has no fashion or make up sense whatsoever so what this young good looking student wants with her i will never know.... It definately isnt the looks and personality isnt far behind! She is like that bad grade 2 teacher that everyone seems to have had, the kinda lady that wore shades of brown that should never see daylight and a hint of her slip always peeping out the bottom of her skirt....ewwwwww

The movie consists of this young man trying to seduce ugly piano teacher at every opportunity he gets. She doesnt really need to teach him as he is already very talented so his motives are obvious to her. As the movie progresses his advances start to take affect and there is a scene in the skool toilet where she goes down on him, but he is not allowed to look at her and not allowed to make a sound or touch her. He gets pissed off with this and stops.
Later he comes to her house, much to her mothers disgust (yes she still lives at home) and she takes him in her room and locks the door. She then proceeds to give him a letter of all the things she wants him to do to her. as he reads he gets more and more disgusted. why? Because she asks that he ties her up and gags her, stuff like that, and then proceed to take control of her, hit her, whatever and even if she screams no he is not to stop.
He cant understand this and is quite disgusted, all he wanted to do was fuck her! he leaves and she cries...oh boohoo!!!! So they stop talking and one nite he goes to redeem himself and she had been cutting herself for pleasure, she tells him to fuk her hard and hit her, he's so ticked off by this stage he does it and she starts to realise she doesnt like it.....he rapes her, hits her, leaves her bleeding.....and wat does her mother do wen she comes out???? just sit there and tell her its all ok....riiiiitttteeeee

Next is a English film i saw on SBS on that show Eat Carpet(appropriate). It was basically about this japanese girl who went out on the town one nite with her brother and they took drugs and she ended up drowning at the beach....while her brother was passed out she told him of the life she lead that he wouldnt have seen....she went into details about her drug use and then hr relationships...she was a lesbian...and her and her girlfriend got off on biting each other and sucking each others blood (quite graphic scene). wtf???

Then there was another japanese film involving a chinese John Travolta and his girlfriend and their 5 minute sex and an unhealthy fsacination with those kiddy pictire viewer things that u flick along.... next!

So we move onto the film 'DaWogs' saw last nite. It was called romance as OMGThatSmile wanted to see something french and erotic....well i think she got wat she asked for!!!!! This movie was all about a young couple who dont have a sex life...mainly due to him. He is an actor and they have this big fight at the beginning and he says to her all u have to do is wait another 3 months...so either he cant get it up or we have no idea whats wrong....she gets frustrated....Now she tries to go down on him and for the first time i have seen, he tells her he doesnt want her to touch him!!!
So she eventually gets sick of it and goes to a bar in the middle of the nite and hooks up with this guy that i swear ive seen in a swedish porn.... then afer that she continues on her quest for pleasure and ends up in some fuked up situations...
liek her skool principle talks of the 10,000 women he has been with and ties her up quite awkwardly so she looks dead and mutilated....but she loves it!!!!!
Then theres a guy that walks past her and offers her $20 to go down on her and she accepts and he ends up raping her....

So finally her boyfriend has sex with her and shoves her off cause she says she wants to be the guy and fuk him....one drop of semen and shes pregnant....during the pregnancy he asks her to marry him and makes love to her for the first time...and last....
they go out he dances with other women (quite well) and she says nothing....wen it comes to having the baby he is passed out from drinking so she gets bondage principle to take her to the hospital and before she leaves she turns the gas on and kills the father....then there is an unneccesarily graphic scene of her giving birth and then she is with the baby at the funeral.....we all looked at the screen at the end not saying a thing with our up chuck reflex kicking in....

Oh and this is a classic i have been told about...Killer Toungue...its all about a meteor that hits earth and takes over this girls tongue and grows huge and has a head at the end....her own tongue ends up fuking her and makes her pregnant and she has a alien spawn....meanwhile her two dalmations turn into the cliche gay couple and pamper her all the time....now this was just one of those stories u did in primary skool with ur friends when u all wrote a line each and covered wat u wrote and then erad it all out at the end....dont u think??

So what is going on Europe??? Some of these films are mainstream!!! Why does normal sex not come into it anymore??? Why must we find the most fuked up ways to pleasure ourselves???
Not to say Aus isnt responsible for some of this stuff either....watch Alex Dimitriadis in Head On...u would never pick this Heartbreak High heart throb to do this....

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Um Monte De Beijos pra voce!!!!

MissItalianCutie's obsession with Brazil is rapidly growing and the introduction of a new close friend of mine TheArchitect is making it even harder to contain myself in this world retirement project we call Adelaide!!!! I crave to go there, stay there, be happy there.... Im almost like a woman in her late 30's feeling her biological clock ticking!!!! im itching for it!!!!

TheArchitect is a young hansome man who lives just out of San Paolo and has the sweetest, funniest nature. He speaks very good english not to mention french too!!! grrrrr ;)
We talk on the phone regularly and he is helping me along with my Brazilian Portuguese, things like accents and stuff.....let me say i will neva say that italian was hard to learn again!!!!!!! Portuguese is impossible! There's no logic with the language but it still sounds amazing and my passion to learn it is increasing....especially if im going to go there!

I now know some basic phrases and can start a convo a little, not bad for 3 days!!!!!

Hopefully one day soon ( :( end of next yr) i will be able to go to Brazil and meet my friend TheArchitect. The only problem is that will i come home??? haha

TheArchitect was telling me how different life is there, how much harder it is, especially with the economy going so bad at the moment..... but he was suprised to see how much i already knew of the country...really just basic stuff i thought.

Hopefully things improve there as well so then he can come here and i can show him this 'great' country of ours.....oh dear.

Bahia! Boa Noite!


This is the end....

Ok readers this will not make sense to most of u, but MissItalianCutie would like to clear a few things up, also at the request of some of her close friends.... I say this here as confrontation doesnt seem to work with u as u run away....
This is the last mention u will have from us forever...

Im not goin to write for paragraphs '12 yr old abuse' as it is pointless and quite frankly unjustified, useless, ego nourishing babble.
Im simply stating the facts and addressing the subject that ur comments to certain parties are invalid as u know nothing of us, our lives or our minds. Therefor all comments made are dismissable.

Point one) limited inteliigence- this is almost immediately excusable simply for the fact that there are so many ppl to back that this statement is clearly not true...and if u think im talkin about friends, ur sadly wrong...

Point two) Meaningless activities like being seen at a monument for recreational drug use. Right this statement has just drilled yourself, u used to take drugs and u admitted it. Alrite u now disgust any illegal substance of any kind. But if a peadofile stops abusing children and becomes against it does that make him anymore morally superior??? Dont think so...
And also having a social life last time i checked wasnt a meaningless activity...I have never taken drugs hanging out at a club, neither have my mates. U go to pubs where there are also drugs but simply because i prefer a club scene to a pub scene u see this fit enuf to degrade me for. Hun do abuse someone simply because they prefer strawberry to chocolate?? No. Its all preference.

Point three) Unlike you i study my ass off. Right, do u hang around me at home? No. Do u see wen i study? No. Did u ever think there were maybe reasons i dont need to divulge to you as to why my studies are behind at times? No. See the theme here? U dont see my life, u dont see what i do, u have no real clue what work i do. Point dismissed.

Point four) Dont want to hear us dribble about our weekends. Right this one is simple. Walk off. If its in class we dont speak at the top of our lungs so you dont have to chose to listen. There is a difference between hearing and listening. In the yard you have the simple choice of walking off if u dont want to know....But as we have all stated time and time again, u never do and even join in the convos, thats ur choice! U have even been known to ask us about our weekends...so if u dont want to hear it so much then this isnt really adding up now???

Point five Dont see you talking about ur sexual relations??? I beg to differ hun....and i have more than one person to back this one up. Since the beginning of the yr time and time again you would state the 'Double digits' u had slept with in the past and wat u loved doing and not doing to them.... U regularly made passes as numerous parties (more which i found out today) and touched, degraded and sexually harassed a few friends of mine. This has also been done over the phone, or do i need to get phone call records for u???

Point six) Never have i accepted a drink or similar for sexual favours!!! This is yet another immature, unjustified comment as u have no reason to even suggest it. Simply because i go to places like Heaven??? Wrong. I stand by my statement that i have never as long as i have been 'clubbing' hooked up with anyone in a club. Nor have i taken any home, or accepted any sort of beverage in turn for 'hooking up.' Infact what makes ur comment completely invalid is that if u actually knew me and talked to me long enuf, u would know that i have a hatred for PDA (Public Displays of Affection). I hate the whole concept of hooking up in a club or a bar or anywhere in view of the public for that matter. Holdings hands, a peck on the cheek fine, but let me assure u, u will not find MissItalianCutie hooking up with some random party at a club. To add more to that i dont like hooking up with random parties either....all men i hook up with are ppl i know and have got to know, sorry.

Point seven) You suck??? Well we're being the mature older one now arent we???

Point eight) Wen i get older and have a life with minimal substance??? Hun, im going to get somewhere with my life, why simply because i know i want to. Im not wandering around, finding something wrong with everything, and i excel at what im good at....before u make another immature comment there, Im talking about, hair, makeup, beauty, customer service, travel, photography etc... say wat u like, i know u will.

Point nine) Havent seen me around??? Wrong. U have seen me around many times, i have constantly said hello and u have blatently and rudely ignored. U are in my class u see me there, yet u give us the silent treatment. Why? I have come to the conclusion that this i ur way of dealing with things and expressing ur feelings of others such as me....this i have no problem with and u may continue if its ur choice, not speaking to u is not goin to deprive me in any way.

Point ten) ahhhh the human/dog catagory....well we've really hit grade 5 here now havent we??? This comment has no fact, has no meaning and is down right just child play.... it is how they say, a way to 'bitch'. Fair enuf if it helps u sleep, but hun ur opinion holds no grounds with me....

Point eleven) Not coming up and confronting u....if u remember correctly, my problem with u started just before i went to melbourne, so saying it to ur face was a little difficult. But today has stated that even saying it to ur face is pointless, u dont listen, ur comebacks are childish and dismissive and ur lack of eye contact gives way ur lack of confidence in the matter.

Point twelve) The last point for u... I confronted u and to ur surprise i had alot more to say than first thought. Obviously face to face is not ur best point so this is where it ends. After today my hand was shaken by at least 3 ppl who stated that i simply stood up to wat they wanted to say. Keep ur words (and ur hands at times) away from the girls at skool, they stated they dont appreciate it.
The war never started so it has no finish. War is wen ur passionate of ur hatred for the opposite side....this situation does not fit that catagory. I dont care wat u think, wat u say, wat u want to do to me....in simple words i simply dont care. Ur not worth my frustration and anger, there are more deservign ppl in the world for that. Goodbye hun, this is all i have to say on u, no doubt u will probably rebut with a post stating how i am wrong and surely will find other useless degrading comments to feed me. But just a helpful hint, dont bother, after this post i will no longer discuss u, or worry about ur petty comments and i certainly wont be checking ur site for a comeback to this...even wen i get told its there.....

I hope u succeed in whatever u want to do

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Tchao....Tudo Bem???

Haha Sim!!!!!!!! MissItalianCutie is on her way to learning Portuguese with the help of a couple of my Brazilian friends TheArchitect and HowUDoin.

It is coming along slowly but im learning some basic phrases...now its a question of getting the accents right and this little wonder will be able to speak 3 languages!!!!!!

Watch out in future posts little Portuguese phrases here and there....


Gay Marriage.... :O

It came to my attention last nite wen visiting my second home that the Australian government has yet again backed up not supporting gay marriage in this 'forward' thinking country of ours....

Alrite i am about as far from gay as it gets...if u couldn't tell from some of my posts...but some of MissItalianCutie's good friends are or were or have the potential to bat for the other team....I feel for these ppl because they are happy and they are being true to themselves and they aren't harming anyone else by their sexual preference!!!! Yet why, in an age where we claim to be anti discriminate, must we refrain from letting this widely accepted minority enjoy the struggles of marriage that straight ppl get to???

I understand that laws and policies are passed so as to give fair go to all citizens and to ensure the safety and happiness of the community...so what the fuck is this???
By letting gay people get married how are we hurting or causing danger to anyone??? Oh Im sorry, according to the bible it is morally wrong to be gay, but seriously how many ppl today are not religious, or still are but accept the gay community?? And im sorry to say but religion aint law, hell, religious symbols cant be trusted themselves!!!!! Now who's morally wrong???

But if we dont pass the law that gay couples have the right to join together in matrimony then arent we discriminative and therefore hypocrites?? We are succumbing to the church that we have trusted in for so many centuries and for so many centuries has let us down, lied, killed, caused massive wars, never proved any of their speakings, molested and down right brainwashed. I mean wen the biggest organised crime industry is the Christians that has to be telling u something!!!!

Australia prides itself on being forward thinkers, accepting the concept of change with open arms, yet we will not budge on the idea that gay ppl have the right to be happy and bound in wedlock like everyone else.... These ppl are under constant scrutiny and who is it by??? You, me, the boy next door, all of us who claim to be 'good Australians' yet do nothing to help these ppl.... hell if we're so against it why is the Mardi Gras so well publicised, why do ppl come from overseas for this event and we accept them lovingly saying we are proud of our gay community and we celebrate their choice of sexuality wen really we couldn't give a stuff about their happiness???

A to remain anonymous third party said to me last nite that they would sooner support the legalisation of prostitution than the legalisation of gay marriage!!! This i think doesn't need explanation, this is showing the power that religion still has over ppl today....i'll let u think this one out....

ciao darlings!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Middle Aged Men ;)

I wanna know do any other women out there have that older man fantasy???

I was talkin to the girls at work today about it cause seriously it was like they were lining up at my register one after the other!!!!! The girls couldnt understand it (mind u they r 16), their impressed and far more satisfied with an 18 yr old!!! This logic i can not understand, alrite there are exceptions to the rule wen he is a very mature 18 yr old, but i would much rather spend my quality flirting time on someone in their early 20's and up....

So anyway back to the topic...middle aged men. Im not talkin Sean Connery styles or Harrison Ford, Im talkin Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Olivier Martinez, Russel Crowe styles... That age between 30-40 where they still look good, matured like a good chianti, and have that urge to be young again!

Now i know you cant actually have a relationship with these men, jeez my ITALIAN father would shoot me. But then again would you really want one??? No. There is no future with these types of men and somehow i think that is half the excitement.... ;)

It cant just be any middle aged man either....there are guide lines. He cant be that balding, beer gut, i can pass trackies and thongs off as goin out wear sorta man. He has to be that i never got married, still have my sports car, shop at youthworks and if u touch one strand of hair i'll kill u sorta guy.....ok maybe not the hair bit but u get wat i mean. These men still take great pride in their appearance and u know that they have experience so one nite with so called DILF would be something u would never forget!!! And think about it, they would love u too!!! Young girl, fresh skin, innocence they havent had since the back seat of the charger wen they were 16..... i say both parties win!!

Today was a wake up call for me to go out there and find my George Clooney and pursue a nite of unbridled passion with him....The amount of perfect examples that came thru my register today was unbelievable!!!! They were everywhere almost calling out to me...MissItalianCutie!!!! Im here for u!!!!! So this is my mission from today...track down above stated male, hope i dont fall in love first, seduce him as best as possible, report back next day....wish me luck!!!!!


ps. If anyone out there reading fits this desription or knows of someone who does please leave a msg!!